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There's never a fee unless our Sherman Oaks Auto Accident Attorneys Get Money for You!
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Sherman Oaks Car Accident Lawyers | MR Parker Law, PCHave you or a loved one been hurt in an automobile accident? Turn to the Sherman Oaks car collision lawyers at M.R. Parker Law, PC. When you hire our Sherman Oaks car accident attorneys, you’re getting the best legal representation available and friendly support to get you through this difficult time.

Everything changes the moment you’re in a serious car wreck. There’s a great deal at stake and you may be entitled to compensation you’re not even aware of. This is why you can’t go into these dealings with an insurance company on your own.

When you choose M.R. Parker Law, PC, you’re not alone. Our experienced Sherman Oaks car accident lawyers are here to help you through every step of the way.

In the wake of a serious motor vehicle crash (MVC), there are many challenges ahead. A quick call to one of our car collision attorneys will help you better understand your rights and options. It’s important to talk to us before giving a statement to an insurance company. Several attorneys at our personal injury law firm have worked for insurance companies in the past. They’re well aware of how insurance companies use your statements against you to pay out as little as possible. Having that kind of guidance in the aftermath of an accident is an asset.

Even better, we work on a contingency fee. Which means we don’t get paid until we get money for you!


The sound of a car crash is terrifying. Car collisions don’t just wreck cars, they wreck the lives of those involved, too. In a matter of seconds, with no warning whatsoever, lives can end or be forever changed in a serious auto accident. Anyone that survives has a long and complicated road ahead.

People tend to call an auto insurance company as soon as they or a loved one are in an accident. However, it’s the Sherman Oaks auto accident attorneys at M.R. Parker Law, PC. that should be your first call. Let us talk to the insurance company on your behalf. We also have established relationships with various businesses in the Sherman Oaks area. This means we can also call to arrange a rental car for you, schedule an appointment with a local physician, and most importantly, deal with the insurance company so you don’t have to.

When you’re coming out of a serious car accident, it’s a trying time in your life. You’re dealing with injuries. Trying to rehab to get back to carrying out your normal day to day activities. All while missing work and losing out on income as the medical bills continue to pile up. Additionally, bouts of depression are common if you lose too much of your independence or feel as if you’ve become a burden to family and friends caring for you. Or perhaps even dealing with post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD) if sounds and images from the accident are playing on loop in your head.

Needless to say, this is a very challenging time in someone’s life. One that shouldn’t be left in the hands of a insurance company’s claims adjuster.


Whether you were involved in a serious car crash or a minor fender-bender, contact our car accident lawyers in Sherman Oaks today at (818) 334-5711.

We’re dedicated to getting you maximum compensation for any loss you’ve incurred. We’ll get you reimbursed for medical bills you paid out of pocket, the income you’ve lost or any earnings you missed out on in your absence from work, your car’s repair or replacement, rental car fees, punitive damages, and emotional pain and suffering. Don’t let insurance companies walk all over you by convincing you that your claim is worth anything less than it truly is. Let us determine the real value of your case BEFORE you sign any settlement. When we take your case, we always have you and your loved ones first and foremost on our mind throughout the entire legal process. This is why you need to talk to us sooner rather than later.

We offer a FREE consultation. We handle all of our cases on a contingency fee basis – which means we do not collect a fee unless we get money for you!

The knowledgeable and experienced Sherman Oaks car accident lawyers at M.R. Parker Law, PC believe every client deserves fair representation, compensation, empathy, and support. Let us help you and your family through this difficult situation.


We can’t emphasize enough how you need to speak with us before talking to any claims adjuster from the insurance company. Our expertise and counsel will help you avoid making the kind of statements that are commonly taken out of context and used against you by large insurance companies.

No car insurance company, regardless of how nice they seem to be, is your friend or on your side. They might have jingles and ads like “You’re in Good Hands” or “Like a good neighbor” but insurance companies primarily care about their bottom line. Not yours. They’re out to pay as little as possible in claims. They’re looking to write a quick check to your name for an amount that might seem fair but is significantly less than the compensation you truly deserve.

Our objective as Sherman Oaks car collision lawyers is to help get you every penny you deserve!!! Our car collision lawyers are tough, effective, and won’t settle for less.

Video: Learn More About Our Car Accident Injury Attorneys in Sherman Oaks


Our car accident lawyers in Sherman Oaks have experience dealing with all kinds of road accidents.

Click the option below that best represents your accident type. No matter the accident type, the personal injury attorneys at M.R. Parker Law, PC are here to fight on your behalf, protect your legal rights, and get you the money you deserve!


Accidents Caused By Texting While Driving

In Sherman Oaks Texting While Driving Accident Attorneys in Sherman Oaks, CA

Distracted driving is a major cause of different types of auto accidents. Crashes caused by distracted driving range from very serious - many roadway fatalities and wrongful death lawsuits are due to distracted driving - to minor rear-end accidents or fender-benders.

According to statistics, sending or receiving a tex message raises the risk of a car crash by as much as 25 times.

Studies have also concluded that 4.6 seconds is the average time a driver takes their eyes off the road to send or read a text message. When driving 55 miles per hour, that equates to driving the distance of a football field blind.

In California, it's illegal for drivers to use their cell phones to make a call, talk without a hands-free setup, and read or type out a text message while driving.

Although texting and driving is what people instantly think of when a distracted driver is mentioned, there are other instances of distracted driving still prevalent. These include: looking at directions on an electronic navigation system like Google Maps or GPS, using a handheld cell phone, fiddling around with a radio or CD player, doing makeup, smoking or vaping, taking selfies or recording a video. and eating as they are driving.

If you've been involved in an accident caused by distracted driving, connect with M.R. Parker Law, PC today to discuss compensation for your injuries.


Sherman Oaks Rideshare Accident Lawyers

Lyft & UBER Accident Attorneys in Sherman Oaks, CA | M.R. Parker Law, PCIf you or a loved one has been hurt in a car wreck involving an Uber or Lyft driver, you can seek financial compensation for your medical bills, ongoing physical therapy, and lost income. The ridesharing phenomenon has certainly made going from place to place in Sherman Oaks much less of a hassle. Drinking and driving has decreased thanks in part to ridesharing's surge in popularity. It has also provided many people with an extra source of income in today's gig economy.

But as the rideshare industry grows, so have the number of wrecks involving Uber and Lyft drivers. Even worse, insurance companies often do not know the insured party has been using their vehicle for ridesharing. This means they might be unwilling to fully compensate victims.

Since ridesharing is so new, the legal waters around Lyft and Uber auto accidents are still murky.

This is why you'll benefit from having the Sherman Oaks Lyft and Uber accident attorneys at M.R. Parker Law, PC by your side. Uber and Lyft are huge publicly-traded companies pulling in billions of dollars. Unlike a lot of motorists carrying just state minimum liability coverage of $15,000 for injury or death on their auto insurance, Uber and Lyft drivers have a $1 million insurance policy. But rideshare companies will look at varying details like if their driver was signed onto the app and accepting rides when the collision occurred.

Considering the amount of insurance covering Uber and Lyft drivers, anyone injured in an accident involving a ridesharing driver could be entitled to more compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain, suffering and emotional trauma tied to the wreck. This includes a passenger injured in a rideshare car, regardless of whether or not their driver was at-fault.

The car accident lawyers at M.R.Parker Law, PC specialize in Lyft and Uber accidents. Contact us today for a free consultation with one of our Lyft/Uber accident lawyers in Sherman Oaks.

Sherman Oaks Drunk Driving Accident Lawyers


Drunk Driving Accident Attorneys | M.R. Parker Law, PCHave you or someone you love been hit by a drunk driver in Sherman Oaks? What follows this terrible act of negligence and reckless behavior can be devastating.

Approximately one-third of deaths on U.S. roads and highways are tied to drunk driving. Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs isn’t just illegal, it’s a breach of moral conduct that jeopardizes the lives of others. Someone driving while intoxicated or high has trouble focusing, impaired muscle coordination, mental confusion, a lack of alertness, and a slowed reaction time.

Someone who survives being hit by a drunk driver often has very bad injuries they must live with. This includes both bodily injury and emotional trauma or mental distress.

A victim of a drunk driving accident can pursue financial compensation. Not only can the standard compensation be pursued – things like medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering – but punitive damages may also be paid out. Jurors and judges don’t go easy on drunk drivers and compensation in DUI cases can be very significant.

If you’ve been hurt in an accident brought on by a drunk driver, contact the Sherman Oaks drunk driving accident attorneys at M.R. Parker Law, PC for a free consultation.

Sherman Oaks High Speed Collision Attorney

High Speed Car Collision Attorney in Sherman Oaks, CA | M.R. Parker Law, PCDriving over the speed limit – or driving too fast for road conditions – is second to only distracted driving as the leading contributing factor to most car crashes.

Speeding increases the force of impact. The faster you're going at the time of the collision, the greater the force of impact. This usually means more serious injuries and more fatalities. Speeding also contributes to significantly more dollars in property damage.

When you drive you're taking a leap of faith. You're trusting those you share the road with. You trust that they drive responsibly and demonstrate enough reasonable care to avoid a wreck. A driver that speeds neglects this responsibility and puts everyone at risk - especially motorcyclists, cyclists, and pedestrians.

If you’ve been injured in a high-speed crash in Sherman Oaks, and it can be proven the other party was speeding, you might be entitled to a payout.

Let the high-speed collision lawyers at M.R. Parker Law, PC fight to maximize your compensation for medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, lost wages, pain, suffering, and emotional distress.

Contact our Sherman Oaks high-speed collision attorneys today for a free case evaluation.

Sherman Oaks Rear-End Collision Lawyers

Rear End Impact Collision Attorneys in Sherman Oaks CA | M.R. Parker Law, PCIt happens way too much. Your car comes to a complete stop ,however, the driver behind you doesn't stop. You car is hit from behind.

Although rear-end accidents seem minor, injuries are prevalent and could result in lifelong pain or discomfort if not immediately evaluated. Injuries after your car is rear-ended include whiplash - which happens when a person's head moves backward and then forward again with great force, mild or severe concussions, spinal injuries like herniated discs or hyperextension, and lockjaw or TMJ symptoms.

Since rear-end collisions don't usually result in EMTs or ambulances, many people just go home after they're in a rear-end collision and don't go to an Emergency Room or Urgent Care to be examined. Symptoms very commonly don't surface until hours or days later. If you develop any symptoms, get evaluated by a physician as soon as possible.

If you've been rear-ended and injured, contact the rear-end collision attorneys at M.R. Parker Law, PC today for a free evaluation of your case. Often, rear-end accidents can be tied to other factors like driving too fast for conditions or distracted driving.

Vehicle Rollover Accident Attorneys in Sherman Oaks

Vehicle Rollover Accident Attorneys in Sherman Oaks, CA | M.R. Parker Law, PC

Rollover accidents commonly happen when a driver has lost control of their automobile and it trips over something - most commonly uneven pavement, a curb, tree stump, or an object.

Most vehicle rollovers involve SUVs or pickup trucks. SUVs are most commonly involved in rollover accidents. The reason for this is their mass being distributed higher off the road relative to the vehicle's width. The center of gravity is further increased when there's additional cargo and passengers.

Most rollovers are single-vehicle accidents - however, rollovers can also occur in multi-vehicle collisions, particularly if the vehicle is struck from the side.

While rollover accidents account for fewer than 3% of all automobile accidents, they make up more than one-third of car accident fatalities. This can often be attributed to there being partial or full ejection from the vehicle.

If you've been hurt in a rollover, contact auto accident attorneys at M.R. Parker Law, PC to determine the worth of your case.

Crossover Crash Lawyers in Sherman Oaks

Lane Crossover Collision Attorney in Sherman Oaks, CA | M.R. Parker Law, PCLane crossover collisions occur so quickly and from out of nowhere that even the most cautious driver won't have enough time to react and avoid impact. One minute you're just coasting down a multi-lane highway and, without signaling and no warning at all, the car beside you hastily moves into your lane. You have no choice but to either collide with them, which could conceivably cause you to lose control of your vehicle or maneuver evasively. Both could cause you to strike other vehicles or hit a median, telephone pole, tree, or another object.

Unsafe lane changes can injure you and your passengers. Death is even possible. Lane crossovers are considered unsafe if the motorist is guilty of:

  • Doesn't properly signal when turning
  • Fails to see a car quickly approaching in a parallel lane or doesn't properly judge speed
  • Doesn't check their blind spot when switching lanes
  • Attempts to switch lanes at a stop light or intersection
  • Is texting or on their cellphone while driving
  • Falls asleep at the wheel
  • Simultaneously merges into the middle lane with another vehicle

If you were injured when merging into traffic, or in an accident where someone unsafely switched lanes, contact the crossover accident attorneys at M.R. Parker Law, PC today to talk about being rewarded compensation for your injuries and medical claims.

Sherman Oaks T-Bone Accident Attorneys

T-Bone Collision Attorneys in Sherman Oaks, CA | M.R. Parker Law, PCIt can happen in an instant. A traffic light changes or you're proceeding through an intersection from a stop sign. Before you know it, another automobile drills into the side of your vehicle. This broadside collision is called a "T-bone" accident and is the most common accident-type at an intersection.

If you or a loved one were seriously injured in a broadside crash you can trust the Sherman Oaks t-bone car collision attorneys at M.R. Parker Law, PC to get you the money you're entitled to.

Sherman Oaks Sideswipe Car Accident Attorneys

Sidesweep Collision Attorneys in Sherman Oaks, CA | M.R. Parker Law, PC

Sideswipe accidents happen when moving cars get too close to one another and make contact along their sides.

Sidesweep accidents are often disputed since they become a blame game where the drivers blame each other. Sidesweep accidents are typically caused by drivers drifting into an adjacent lane, making improper turns, failing to yield when lanes merge, or being overly aggressive or inattentive when changing lanes.

If you've been injured in a sidesweep accident, contact the auto accident attorneys at M.R. Parker Law, PC to set up a free case evaluation

Sherman Oaks Multiple Vehicle Accident Lawyers

All car crashes are scary, but collisions involving multiple vehicles can be downright devastating. Vehicle pile-ups and chain-reaction accidents involving more than 2 vehicles are some of the most dangerous kinds of traffic accidents.

Multiple vehicle accidents can often be attributed to conditions like low-visibility, road hazards, tailgating, distracted driving, or construction zones.

Multiple-vehicle crashes can be life-altering and sometimes fatal. If you or a loved one has been injured in a multi-vehicle accident, contact the car accident lawyers at M.R. Parker Law, PC. We'll stand by your side to protect your legal rights.


An accident can unexpectedly change your life. The trial lawyers at M.R. Parker Law, PC have extensive experience investigating and reconstructing accidents to build a strong case for victims not at fault and deserving of financial compensation. We get victims of car accidents the money they deserve for any pain, suffering, and emotional hardship experienced.

We’ll consult with your doctors to determine the extent of your injuries and prognosis. Is a full recovery possible? What will the cost of future treatment or care be? How long will you miss work? How much have you lost in income? Have there been opportunities at work for bonuses, promotions, or raises? How has this impacted your overall quality of life? Will there be permanent pain and discomfort, cognitive issues, paralysis, physical handicap, or disfigurement? How about emotional trauma or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)? Has your marriage or relationships suffered?

We’ll get you money for any of the following…

Medical Expenses - Your compensation is influenced by the type and severity of the injuries you sustained.

That said, whether you have bruises, cuts, and burns, whiplash or a back injury  or you've sustained brain trauma or a spinal cord injury accompanied by paralysis or another permanent disability, our Los Angeles car accident injury attorneys can help you!

We work closely with you and your doctors to determine the extent of your injuries. We'll assess the type of medical care and therapy or rehab you’ll need, if a full recovery is anticipated, and how long the recovery process will take.

Immediately after your car accident, you need to you see a doctor for a full medical examination. Even if the accident seems like a minor fender-bender, many neck or back injuries aren't noticeable until hours or even days following the collision. If you expect to make a solid case, you need to have a medical record.

You are entitled to compensation for all medical expenses. This includes physical or cognitive therapy costs, ambulance fees, fees for doctor consultations,  the cost of medical supplies - like crutches, prescription drug costs, costs of permanent disabilities, fees associated with in-home care services, the cost of home renovations to accommodate a physical handicap. and as-needed future care and treatments.

Car accidents can cause serious injuries that drastically change how you live day-to-day life and may keep you from being able to work. If you're missing work because of injuries from a car wreck, we'll fight to get you the money you need.

Hiring one of the Los Angeles area car accident attorneys at M.R. Parker Law, PC will improve your chances of being rewarded with lost income following a car wreck. When you seek "lost wages" related to a car collision, you're pursuing any money you would've had an opportunity to earn had you not been injured in the crash.

Lost wages generally include:
  • Hourly Wage or Weekly/Monthly Salary
  • Bonuses and Commission
  • Sick and Vacation Pay
  • Overtime Pay
  • Self-Employment Wages
  • Missed Promotions or Raises While You Weren't Working

Insurance companies are notorious for paying out as little as possible and might sometimes argue against your benefits for lost wages. If this happens, tag in the personal injury lawyers at M.R. Parker Law, PC to get you the money you deserve.

Pain and suffering is compensation you can seek for any injuries, emotional distress, and lower quality of life brought on by a car wreck. Legally it's defined as physical or mental distress.

For instance, a brain or spinal cord injury might mean the accident victim can no longer participate in hobbies or activities they once enjoyed.

A dollar amount can be put on that.

A victim disfigured in a wreck might seek money if it's significantly impacted their personal life or cost them work opportunities.

A dollar amount can be put on that.

Someone suffering a broken bone or whiplash could live with a lot of pain, have a lower quality of life, and be struggling with loss of sleep, bouts of depression, panic attacks from anxiety, and maybe even PTSD from rehashing the wreckage itself.

You have the right to be compensated for any temporary or permanent limitations this accident and someone's negligence has brought on.

Our pain and suffering attorneys in the Los Angeles area are very adept at making a jury and judge feel your pain. We paint a picture of the kind of life you had and what you've lost. Your ordeal and both the tangible and intangible losses you face will be effectively told and our attorneys will get money for you!

Property damage typically includes the cost to repair or replace your vehicle. You might also be compensated for any property that was in the vehicle and consequently damaged in the accident. An insurance adjuster will assess the damage and estimate the cost and our attorneys will include that amount in the settlement offer.

Compensation for property damage is determined by replacement value, the cost of repairs, loss of use of items, or testimony that proves sentimental value if the damaged property is a family heirloom. Most property damage tied to a car accident is handled by insurance companies. You really shouldn't need an attorney to help with the insurance claims process. That said, if the insurance company refuses to pay out benefits you're owed, or denies your claim with no reasonable basis, they're acting in "bad faith" and this is possible grounds for a lawsuit.

If you need some extra help getting what you feel you're owed from the insurance company, consider speaking with one of the attorneys at M.R. Parker Law, PC.

Make us your choice for a car accident injury attorney in Sherman Oaks, CA…

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