Does High-Speed Driving Increase the Risk of a Collision?


People are always on the go these days. Most of us have hectic schedules. Schedules that require us to get from point A to point B without a minute to spare. We're running late for work or an appointment. There's a child waiting to be picked up at school. Even the most law-abiding upstanding citizen [...]

Does High-Speed Driving Increase the Risk of a Collision?2020-01-18T11:30:14+00:00

What Happens to Your Body in a High-Speed Collision?


An automobile accident can happen at any speed. And people can be hurt in a low-speed or high-speed collision. But the potential for serious injury or even death is higher in a high-speed accident than a collision at 35 mph or less. A human body sustains substantial trauma in a high-speed crash. Trauma that can [...]

What Happens to Your Body in a High-Speed Collision?2020-01-12T21:04:30+00:00
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