What to do After an Auto Accident


Call the Police - It is important to get police on the scene and an accident report written for the event. Many times insurance companies will rely on the police determination to make a liability decision. This helps nail down the facts of the incident and makes it harder for the other driver to later [...]

What to do After an Auto Accident2019-08-08T06:18:45+00:00

Can You Recover From an Auto Accident if You Don’t Have Insurance?


California Prop 213 Limits Recovery If you are involved in an auto accident and you are intoxicated, or fail to carry auto insurance, Prop 213 may apply to your case. Prop 213 limits the ability of uninsured drivers (among other categories of drivers) from collecting certain types of damages that result from an auto accident. [...]

Can You Recover From an Auto Accident if You Don’t Have Insurance?2019-08-08T06:18:45+00:00

How Long Does it Take to Settle an Auto Accident?


The Basic Steps One of the first questions I usually receive as a Personal Injury Attorney is how long does an auto accident case take to settle. This is a tough question because every case is unique and there are several stages in the process of building and negotiating a case. However, by understanding the [...]

How Long Does it Take to Settle an Auto Accident?2019-08-08T06:18:45+00:00

Benefits of Treating on a Lien


What Does it Mean to Get Medical Treatment on a Lien? Many times when people seek attorney assistance for a personal injury case they end up receiving treatment on a "lien." What does that mean exactly? Normally when you go to the doctor you pay with cash or use insurance. However, when you are treated [...]

Benefits of Treating on a Lien2019-08-08T06:18:45+00:00
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